Join us for our 4th event this May. Connection Festival is all about bringing likeminded people together in uncertain times, to celebrate the fact that we are alive, we are sovereign, & that we will create our destiny.
,,,,12:30pm Introduction from event organisers Kelvin Patterson & Joss Ambrose.
Speakers for this event are: 12:45 - 1:30 Chloe Gaston "Raising kids shouldn't be to be this hard." A presentation looking at all the factors which make parenting more difficult at this time on earth & how we can overcome these obstacles in order to make our parenting journey a little easier.
1:45 - 2:30 Sadie Single who is a founder & teacher at HOPE Sussex, will be giving a talk on the very necessary way forward with teaching, & the need for community with likeminded people in these uncertain times. HOPE Sussex is a functioning example of what is needed throughout the land in order to provide an alternative to a very broken & detached system of education, & lack of connectedness between people today.
2:45 - 3:00 Emma Starck returns for the 2nd time at Connection Festival. She will be giving a brief explanation of "systemic constellations" (a practical means of processing past trauma with assistance from volunteers) before holding a half hour introductory session for willing participants in our chill-out room.
3:45 - 4:45 Jay Ryan who is returning for his 3rd talk, revisiting alkalinity plus new topics - to be confirmed.
4:45 - 5:15 The Strawman will be performing a short set of acoustic music during a much needed break between speakers - he'll be returning later...
5:20 - 6:20 Amed Hashimi will be expanding on previous Connection Festival talks by educating us on psychology, esoteric & the true meaning of occult.
6:20 - 7:00 Dinner Break 7:10 - 7:40 Meditation Session in the chillout room with Chloe Gaston.
7:45 - 8:30 Open Mic Session for people with various talents to express themselves, including poetry, stand-up, & music from The Strawman.
8:30 - 9:45 Acclaimed Musician, Roger Hubbard will be performing a set for us. Roger is best known for his blues. Born in Brighton U.K. Roger Hubbard is one of the major exponents of early blues and slide guitar. In the 1960s he was playing at folk clubs and continuing an interest in country and delta blues. “Roger Hubbard is as good as any blues guitarist in the UK or the United States” - Muddy Waters.
10:00 - Close uplifting dub reggae DJ set from Yogiman-ST.
Doors open 12:00 noon - midnight Lavant Memorial Hall Pook Lane Chichester West Sussex PO18 0AH